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Geelong West Neighbourhood House is a member of the Barwon Network of Neighbourhood Centres, and an affiliate member of the Association of Neighbourhood Learning Centres.
Your participation is welcome, come on board our Facebook page and meet some of us online!
Neighbourhood Houses are part of a social movement that begin in the 1970s. The movement now has 400 Neighbourhood Houses throughout Victoria Australia and the number continues to grow, responding to community need.
Neighbourhood Houses are special, because they are owned and managed for and by the local community. Everyone involved can share in decision making.
Neighbourhood Houses have special atmosphere. They are places of welcome, where anyone can come to make new friends, participate in community life and share learnings.
Neighbourhood Houses differ from one another; however they all encourage personal growth, self help and knowledge sharing. They work together in informal and formal partnerships with other community organizations, enriching the quality of life for community members.
If you have a complaint or grievance and would like a copy of our policy, please contact us at or ask at the office.
If you have a suggestion, we have a box in front of the office window where you can leave your suggestion.
For more information please contact us by using the form on our contact page, or by one of the methods below:
(03) 5270 2400
89 Autumn St,
Geelong West, 3218
Victoria, Australia
Registration Number: A0056531V
Socials:Geelong West Neighbourhood House held their 2022 Annual General Meeting. Please find reports from The GWNH Coordinator, and our two Co-Chairs here.
Read more about the 2022 AGM hereThis document outlines the Geelong West Neighbourhood House (GWNH) Strategy and Goals for 2021-2024. Our policies and procedures are available upon request.
View our 2021-2024 Strategic Plan