Mondays: 13 January-31 March (no class 10/3)  2pm- 3pm (Code: 25–1HW7) 3pm – 4pm (Code 25-1HW14)   $132 per term (11 weeks) or $15 session

Thursdays: 16 January  – 3 April 11am – 12pm.

(Code: 25–1HW9)  $144 per term (12 weeks) or $15 session

Fridays:  17 January – 28 March  10.30am – 11.30am

(Code: 25–1HW10) $132 per term (11 weeks) or $15 session



Strong Foundations – Weights and Balance


Tuesdays 14 January – 1 April 2-3pm

(Code: 25-1HW12) $144 per term (12 weeks) or $15 session

 Fridays 17 January – 28 March    2- 3pm

(Code: 25–1HW11) $132 per term (11 weeks) or $15 session

Janet Ashton, Personal Trainer and Manager of THEPTBEE

Muscle mass and bone density naturally decrease with age however regular strength training can help reverse this trend. Strength training has significant health benefits including increased muscular strength, stronger bones, better joint function, weight control, improved balance, reduced risk of falls and fractures, and assists with arthritis and reduces lower back pain. Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Guidelines recommend strength training for all adults at least 2 times per week. For more information visit:

These fun, social classes will introduce you to simple body weight exercises with minimal equipment so they can be easily adapted to suit individual needs and levels of fitness. There are two class styles to choose from.

Strong FoundationsWeights & Balance”: A lower intensity, smaller group class focusing on functional strength, balance, and range of movement.

Tuesdays & Fridays 2-3pm.

Strength & Conditioning Development: A whole body work-out using circuit and interval-based exercises to build overall fitness and strength, including core, upper and lower body.

Mondays 2-3; Thursdays 11-12; Fridays 10:30-11:30


Whichever class you choose adding strength training to your exercise regime is a great way to BEE FIT. BEE HEALTHY. BEE HAPPY!

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