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Event Series Event Series: Watercolour Classes – Block B

Watercolour Classes – Block B

June 27 @ 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Learn or refresh existing skills in watercolour. The Thursday watercolour class is designed for  those wanting to learn or extend existing skills. We focus on different techniques in each five week block and put them together into a small artwork dependant on your level of skill or experience. We aim to build a community of beginner and intermediate artists who can support each other and learn all aspects of watercolour painting. We include complete beginners to more experienced and meet you at whatever skill level you have and help to extend and build on those skills in a fun and supportive atmosphere.

BYO Paint, brushes and watercolour paper as set out on materials list available.

Tutor: FelicityK



June 27
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Activity Tags:


Geelong West Neighbourhood House
89 Autumn Street
Geelong West, Victoria 3218 Australia
+ Google Map
0427 703 218
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